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Supporting the North West Centre for Heart & Lung Transplantation
Car Parking
Parking for all transplant and disabled patients is now free. Please speak to reception regarding your parking permit
Clinic Times
Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings are post – heart transplant clinics
Tuesday, Thursday mornings and Wednesday 12-2pm are post lung transplant clinics. (Lung Function is open from 8.30)
Routine Bloods every 6-8 weeks.
Echos, ECGs and X-Rays every 6 months. Please make sure you always have an appointment
We have Echo Slots on:
Monday: 10.00, 10.20, 10.40 and 11.00
Wednesday: 10.00, 10.40 and 11.40
Friday: 10.00 x 2, 10.40 and 11.00
If you are unable to keep your echo appointment, please let us know well in advance so the slot can be reallocated. When attending clinic please could you bring a list of your medication with you.
As always out of hours please contact the Jim Quick ward on 0161 291 2204
Patient Bloods
Patients’ attending clinic for blood tests only are asked to arrive between 9.30 and 11.00. During busy times it may be necessary for patients to go to the phlebotomy clinic in the main hospital to have their bloods taken. Clinic appointments are limited to a manageable number dependant on how many Doctors are available. If you wish to see a Doctor at your visit please phone the clinic prior to your arrival as it may help avoid a long delay.
If you would like your bloods done locally please speak to the clinic staff
Brand name for Cyclosporin is NEORAL
Brand name for Tacrolimus is PROGRAF (if it is a twice daily dose0 or ADVOGRAF (daily dose)
Please be aware of the packaging of your medications. If you are at all concerned about medication you receive from you GP/ Pharmacist. Do not hesitate to contact the Transplant Unit.
Please let reception know any changes in contact details
After clinic appointments please make sure you are contactable for any changes in your medication.
If you do postal bloods please make sure you collect postal when you are in clinic