The Jewels of the Transplant Unit

Our fantastic team were recently awarded the  Hospital “Diamond Team of the Month” This award is made by the Hospital management team to recognise the dedication and achievement of its staff.


Bucket Collection in St Helens

Thank you to Andrea, Steph and the rest of their wonderful team who held a Bucket Collection in a very wet and soggy St Helens on Saturday. They raised a fantastic £212 in just a couple of hours. If you fancy holding a fundraising event such as a bucket collection in your local area  please contact the office on 0161 945 2166

Dates for your Diary

European Heart and Lung Transplant Games -FInland – 11th -16th July 2016 

For more information  please click HERE



British Transplant Games  – Liverpool – 28th -31st July 2016 

Registration for these games will open in February

For those interested in taking part for the first time  a few of the sports available  are athletics, swimming, archery, crown bowls, snooker, squash, squash,  and table tennis. You don’t need to be an Olympic athlete to take part its all about having fun, making friends and promoting organ donation. As the  Regional Heart and Lung Transplant Centre local to the games it would be lovely to enter a big team and win the overall trophy.  The Charity will help out with accommodation costs if needed and entry fees.. Its a great fun weekend which finishes with  a massive Gala Dinner on the Sunday night

If you would like to take part or want more  information please contact the office 0161 945 2166 or call in and have a chat. or click HERE


Transplant Sports Volleyball Tournament Norwich  – 19th November 2016 

More details will be available later in the year



A Stitch in Time

The Village Patchers, who are a local group set up to encourage and help people learn patchwork and quilting skills, recently held an exhibition and raffle and raised £500 for New Start.

Transplant Sport Volleyball comes to Manchester

After attending my first Volleyball event last year in Newcastle as team manager, I decided that with the help of some of the team, there was no reason why Manchester couldn’t organise it in 2015. And once we’d located a venue, and a Hotel that could hold the Gala Dinner, we were half way there. Now we just had to get some teams and as usual the various centres didn’t disappoint, arriving from far and wide to play.

On the Friday night an informal get together was held in the pub for everyone who’d travelled to Manchester. Some of the Freeman team were delighted the “Boro” match was live on television and everyone felt relaxed and ready for the following day. Some of us retired to bed at a reasonable hour but the Belfast team – having not touched down at the airport until 10pm – decided that as they’d missed out on a few drinks, they needed to keep the bar in profit until the early hours.

Saturday dawned cold but bright (yes the sun does shine in Manchester sometimes) and we all headed to Wright Robinson College (or Wright Robbie as it’s known locally) for the volleyball event.

Six teams took part in what turned out to be a very enjoyable day. The loudest cheer was for Louise Mclellan from Freeman when she got the ball over the net for the first time. The bravery award has to go to Alex Watson and Alan Schofield who both played volleyball for the first time and ended up with badly bruised forearms.

The results were as follows:

1st – Addenbrookes

2nd – Wythenshawe

3rd – Liverpool and Freeman

The evening Gala Dinner, and Prize Giving, was attended by 75 guests, A disco followed where most guests made shapes on the dance floor, some of them in time to the music.

A big thank you goes out to all the Wythenshawe team who helped on the day, and also to the players who helped out with the refereeing, not forgetting our official referee Martin Lisowski. Finally thanks to Neil Macdonald who sorted all the teams and the order of play.

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the Transplant unit Wythenshawe Hospital Southmoor Rd Manchester M23 9LT