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Supporting the North West Centre for Heart & Lung Transplantation
How can I fundraise online? is a FREE service where you can shop with your favourite online stores and at no extra cost raise funds for the New Start Charity.
For example, spend £25 with WHSmiths on books and 2.5% will be donated. You will have raised £0.63, at no extra cost to your purchase. Make any purchase from Amazon and 2.5% will be donated. Insure your car with Aviva and raise £30.00, or purchase a mobile phone from O2 and earn £17.50 and so on. You can even book your holidays throught the travel section.
You still shop directly with each retailer (even with your existing account if you already have one) but each purchase you make will generate a cashback donation to the New Start Charity.
There are literally 1000’s of retailers who are available, covering numerous sectors.
Sounds great, what do I need to do?
It’s That Simple
You will also see how much your purchases have raised, as well as an ongoing total over time.
Register Today! Shop and Fundraise: A Perfect Combination!